Saturday, September 9, 2017

Friday Favorites {9.8.17}

1. Harvey Relief!

My Texas necklace from Jenn's shop:



2. Date Night thanks to:


Last night we were invited to a dinner hosted by Pastorserve.  Upon hearing of the chaos that Harvey wreaked on Houston, Pastorserve immediately mobilized their team from all over the US to be here for the Houston pastors.  We didn't really have any idea what it was about except that they wanted to come in as a support to the pastors in the city many of which have been on the front lines caring for people who have lost everything and in many cases having been personally affected by the flood themselves.  It was heartbreaking to see the exhaustion on each pastor's face as many were low on sleep due to shot nerves, physical labor, emotional heaviness for their congregations, and personal concern as many churches buildings are in need of repair and don't have the finances to continue to miss meeting on Sundays.  The joy and hope during our worship time brought me to tears as did the spiritual and physical care of the Pastorserve team as they encouraged us with the Word, provided us with a delicious meal, prayed for us, and even met some specific financial needs.

In situations like this, pastors are often the first to offer help and the last to accept it, and in the marathon that is Harvey recovery, we need our leaders to stay healthy and encouraged.  Pastorserve is an organization that comes alongside of pastors to do just this.  If you are looking for a ministry to give to for Harvey relief, this is a great option.

We forgot to take a picture at the Pastorserve dinner so here we are after we got back!  Love this guy!!!

3. Little People Shenanigans

"Mom!  We made an immunity idol!"
#survivorfansinthemaking #ionlyletthemwatchthechallenges

Meanwhile, Susu was making her own fun.
She has an obsession with soap...could be worse, right?

Not even sure what is happening here

4.  The many articles written about and for Houston:

5. This.

Happy Friday to you!


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