I'm the queen of them. And I'm not the only one. I come from a long line of excuse makers (and you do too). This is the pattern we were born into, but we have the power to break out of this because God is in the business of dealing with excuse makers. He steps into our brokenness. And when we hide and make leaf clothes, he draws us out,
He says, "where are you?"
Did you hear that?
When we deliberately disobey him, he moves toward us NOT away from us.
God is NOT in the business of canceling. He is in the business of restoration.
Y'all. He's omniscient.
He knows where they are so why does He ask them that?
Because in their broken mess, in their insufficient leaf clothes, He's extending an invitation to walk with Him.
We don't clean ourselves up before we come to Him because we can't.
He asks us to show up - insufficient leaf clothes and all - to receive the sufficient covering only He can provide.
The leaf clothes aren't going to cut it, the excuses are insufficient, the blame shifting doesn't work on Him. HE is the only One who can provide acceptable covering, but first we have to own up to what's really going on.
Where are you?
When you own up to falling short, you're accepting the invitation that calls you out of hiding and sufficiently clothes you. Costly, expensive clothes paid for by Another.
No more excuses.
Come out of hiding, own up to where you are, and receive what was purchased on your behalf.
This is the way of repentance, marked out for us from the Beginning. Admit the lie {where are you?} and receive the covering purchased by Jesus. Repentance isn't just, "I'm sorry for doing the thing. Help me not to do the thing again." It's uncovering the lie and replacing it with the Truth.
What excuses do you need to let go of and what truth do you need to admit?
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